Make a move… don’t just standstill and accept the present situation. It has been a blessed week for me and my family, and for all who were a part of the…
Complacency stops us from higher goals and achieving greater things. When a person is complacent, he will stop living — he will simply exist. And when a person is simply existing,…
‘When you have eaten and are satisfied, praise the Lord your God.’ Deuteronomy 8:10 NIV *This is from Bob Gass’ THE WORD FOR TODAY (actually today’s word). I’ve re-entitled it. I…
This is not Super-Story. It started on the 18th of November 2016. My Lenovo laptop has been having issues for some good many days. Taking up to 5o minutes to boot…
I think one of the hardest things to be most times is YOURSELF. And that is weird, and possibly troubling, because being yourself should be the easiest thing to be. I…